Looking Back At Some Of My Old Posts

As I'm writing this I'm currently lying half on and half off my bed, I have a throbbing pain in my armpits from Tuesday's pre-holiday visit to my salon, hair that is way overdue for a wash and wearing a jumper with, what I'm pretty sure is remains of this morning's porridge oats all down the front. So there's that.

You've really out done yourself Bethany, you really have.

But as you're reading this, all the above will be a thing of the past as right now I'm probably in the air jetting off to sunny, sunny Majorca for a summer holiday with my Mum. Don't be too jealous. 

Anyway, blog post and that. 

Today's post will take you back in time to some of my old posts from as long ago as 3 years - yes 3 whole years! From grainy iPhone 4s quality and poorly written humour to some of my most popular posts and ones that I'm pretty chuffed with. This blog post will give you a whistle stop tour of old blog posts of mine and whether you've been reading from the very beginning since 08/11/2013 or a more recent frequenter, here's some blog posts for you to read, remember and enjoy...

1. My Most Popular Post, Ever

Read here

This one gave me viewing stats that I've never seen before. The number of views on that post is still a healthy 5 figure number and one that still gets shared on various social media platforms daily - needless to say, I am pretty proud. 

If you're not from or familiar with Bournemouth then I apologise because well really, you *probably* won't get the gist of it. But for all you Bournemouthians (and in particular, born and bred Bournemouth girls) this one was for you.

Oh and yes, the girl in the middle with her legs spread apart, that's me, yep.

2. My First Ever (Real) Post

Read here

I say "real" post because the first was a 2 sentence long introduction and is, quite frankly a bit boring. Way back when in November of 2013 I started this blog which, as some of you may know, was previously called editedstyle.blogspot.com, this was my first ever real post.

I had a blog previous to this one where I'm sure I had written an essay long post about my "Top 9 Drinks" (which I think you'll be able to find here) which included everything from Costa to Lidl's Don Simon OJ - says it all really. 

But on this particular corner of the Internet, my first post was titled "Which Watch" and, being the amazing linguist that I am, I thought it sounded pretty clever. It was a post about the three watches I owned at the time, one of which was a fake Ice Watch classy or what. In that post I basically just described each watch and ended the post with "Stay beautiful" *grabs sick bucket*.

Bless my 15 year old self.

3. The One Where I Wrote A Short Story About E.L.F.

Read here

Oh God. Yep. What you just read was true. Picture this, I had just discovered e.l.f., the pocket money priced online makeup shop and back then I thought I had dug up gold. I really thought I had just won at life.

I was buzzing with my 32 piece eyeshadow palette, my plumping lipgloss and liquid eyeliner to name but a few of my purchases. Don't get me wrong, I love e.l.f. and some of these buys are still firm contenders in makeup looks I wear now but reading this blog post back to myself just makes me die a little inside.

I paired this story with an equally as cringe photo, one that has more grains than a bag of rice.

Ahh the 2013 Bethany really was fab.

4. My Most Popular Listicle (List Post)

Read here

I'm a big fan of list posts. They're fun to read as well as write. They are always so relatable and relevant and just fab really.

I've written a few in my blogging time and this one is the most popular, closely followed by 25 Problems Only Kids Who Grew Up In The Noughties Will Remember.

It features one of my fave photos ever with some of my friends and the post itself basically depicts the mind of a teenage girl 24/7. From diets to clothing dilemmas, it gives you 58 lies that have probably crossed your mind at some point in your life. Go and have a read if you haven't already.

5. That Recipe Post That Went Down A Treat

Read here

Eh, see what I did there?!

No but seriously, I don't mean to blow my own trumpet, but I'm gonna blow it anyway. Oh and warning, this one also contains grainy iPhone 4s photos, I apologise.

This is one of my all time fave recipes and recipe posts. I've got people hooked on this 2-ingredient recipe and it really is delish. This guilt-free recipe post contains 7 too many dodgy angled photos but the recipe itself is fairly straight forward and one that you could most definitely recreate yourself.

So go on, do my stats a favour and dig up with post from my blogging past, give it a read and try out the recipe whilst you're at it.

6. *Probably* My Worst Post Of All Time

Read here (if you really want to)

Okay, you may beg to differ but this post is quite frankly bloody pointless. At the time of writing this I was (apparently) in dire need of a boyfriend coat and this post basically now looks like a plead for help in search for it. Don't even ask what I was thinking when writing this but it was written back in the January of 2014 so I can just blame my 16 year-old self for being such a loser.

Oh and to this day I don't own said "boyfriend style/cocoon coat, preferably in a dark colour".

And that's it for today's post. 

I hope you've enjoyed this blast from the past at found some hidden gems that you may fancy giving a read.

Thank you for reading!

To contact me, or for business related inquiries, please feel free to email me at bethany@bethanyemerton.com

Bethany Emerton

Beauty, Fashion & Lifestyle blogger from Bournemouth.

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