Ha ha, so it happened again. Yeah, about that.
I'm not one to break promises (probs because I never make them because I know I'll never keep them) but the promises I made about getting back to blogging and getting my a** in gear to put more content out there more regularly has kinda backfired. If you hadn't noticed, my last blog post was on the 23rd of September, and it's now February. Soz.
Life just got in the way guys!!!!!!!
I'm a working gal, I've got commitments, I've got places to go and people to see and well, blogging ended up taking a backseat. I can't say I'm happy with it and everyday I always want to post something and share something with my readers but it's never seemed to take off and be anything more than just an urge.
So once again soz.
Like I'm really soz.
In fact, I'm not soz, I'm sorry. Like proper sorry. Like proper whole heartedly, here have some flowers kinda sorry. I wish I had more time to post new and exciting content frequently like I used to but LIFE.
I know I really shouldn't use life an excuse for not jamming some words on my keyboard and snapping a few flat lays but you gotta understand what I mean.
I mean I have actually been blogging, but for another blog. I'm cheating on you. There's someone else in the picture. Har har.
Basically, I've been running the blog for my cheerleading squad, Revolution Cheerleading Academy (have a read of it here), so I've *kinda* still been blogging but just not on www.bethanyemerton.com.
But that's all going to change because I've made a vow to myself to get my blog back up and running and start posting weekly - she says.
2016 is going to be a big year and a year that I want to relgiously document not just for you but also for myself, so when 2016 comes to an end and 2017 is in sight I can look back and be like "y'know what, that was a fab year".
And so here we go, here's to being back to blogging and being back on track.
Here's to a fab 2016 (better late than never eyyy).

To contact me, or for business related inquiries, please feel free to email me at bethany@bethanyemerton.com
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